Kings Point Cornhole League - 2024

Scroll down to see our Leagues rules

Starting Monday January 15th - Be ready to play at 3:30 PM
We will play 7 weeks and then 2 weeks for playoffs.

We will play 2 Divisions: Division A and Division B, which have nothing to do with skill level. This is to ensure we can play for 7 weeks and to finish before the snowbirds start leaving town.

We will be using lanes 18 - 25. The league play will use the same bags for all teams, not the fat ones. Do not exchange bags on the boards. All league play bags are marked with a "T" for Tournament. Each lane will be given 1 clip board and the 3 score cards for the game.

Playoff Week 1 - the top 2 teams from Division A will play each other and the top 2 teams from Division B play each other for the 2 teams to play for the winner of the League 2024.

For league play DO NOT put your tags in.
If you are a sub, please put your tag on the small board with the number facing the board. This will enable teams to pick a sub by using their skilll level only - not name.

A Few Rules

It is a foul to step in front of the throwing line (the front of the board) to release the bag. After the bag is released it is OK to step in front of the line. Keeping it friendly, the first time you see that happen, just point out to the person with no foul If it continues and a foul is committed, the bag thrown will be removed and does not count.

The score cards are prepared with the teams playing and their names. If your team number is above the blue, then you start with blue bags, and the same with the red side.
Score card example will be shown:
If you score 4, then you would put an "X" next to the 4, then if you score 1, you now put an "X" at 5 points, etc. The first team to reach 21 is the winner. You must play 3 games. We will track the total points which will determine a winner in case of a tie.

Subs will be chosen by the opposing team. If you know you will not be able to play on a certain date, please email We will do our best to notify subs to be there for League play.

The League schedule will be posted on the Club's website loacted at: and there will also be a copy in the shed. Each week, the results of League play will be posted on the website and a copy will be brought to the shed.